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Inside my head Joel de Lepine

Inside my head

Lyrics & music : Joël de Lépine


For all we can think

About our life

And your way across my life

Now I realize

In trouble

What we are and what we have

I know for myself

There is no word so strong

To change my mind

I’m looking at you

I don’t think, I don’t care

About nothing


I’ve got the feeling

You’re inside my head                                      


Leaders think

About our lifes

How to take and get its theirs

But if we forget

When pass the time

What we’ve seen and what we’ve heard

I know we will keep

In memories

All we hate and all we love

Sometime I would like

To think no more

Just to get you in my mind


I’ve got the feeling            

You’re inside my head


For all we can think

About our life

And your way across my life

Now I realize

In trouble

What we are and what we have

I know for myself

There is no word so strong

To change my mind

I’m looking at you

I don’t think, I don’t care

About nothing


I’ve got the feeling

You’re inside my head                                    


Guitar-Lead Guitar-Song & Harp : Joël de Lépine Chorus : Virginie LAURET Drums : Bruno MENCE Bass : Bruno NEWTON